Shhhh, Here’s a Secret …

We got your attention, didn’t we? But before we go on, you must promise to keep our little secret. If you agree, read on. If not, go back and read something else. There is plenty to do and see on our website.

Are you ready? Here it is: We don’t shout about every project we complete. Crazy, huh?

It’s not that we’re ashamed of the work we’ve done. Far from it. In fact, for one project, of which we’re quite proud, we didn’t even use the name “Reel Change Films.” (We did use our own names, however.) Why did we do this? Why would we do this? There were a number of good reasons, but one was that the project was for a non-profit, and we felt that the purpose of the video work was less about our work than the good work this organization does.

The project involved filming and editing a series of online training videos, which together replace (or at least augment) the face-to-face training the organization had been doing. And from the feedback we’ve received, the videos have been successful. Now, you may be able to see for yourselves. The four video segments were on the website for the Environmental & Conservation Organization website, but now the organization has become MountainTrue. If you want to find our videos, search their new site for Biological Monitoring or SMIE.

The videos help volunteers understand why healthy streams are important to the larger ecosystem, and then they set out to instruct the volunteers how to determine the health of a particular stream. The focus of the series is collecting, identifying, categorizing, and counting the fish and insects in the stream. Mostly, the insects. (Parts of these videos are not for the squeamish or bug-o-phobes.)

We thoroughly enjoyed completing this project, even though it was a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am gig: one day of shooting followed by a relatively short editing period. But we think the videos came out great—and we learned more than we ever thought we’d want to know about stream health … and bugs.

We’re proud of the work we do. We put our hearts into every project, and it shows. This non-profit organization benefited from the videos we delivered, which have improved how they do their work. We can do the same for you.